Revelation Missionary                   Contact Us (251)473-2333                 Give Online
      Baptist Church


 Community Involvement
 1.  To educate ourselves on proper procedures in making public presentations.
 2.  To organize and assist local community groups.
 3.  To provide information and/or referral services to the Pastor.
 4.  To educate ourselves to, if possible serve on local committees and non-paying boards.
 5.  To interact with local professionals in government. 
 6.  To report on local needs to the Pastor. 
 7.  To engage in grass-root advocacy on local, state and federal issues.
President.....................Rev. Dr. Lawrence Battiste, III
Secretary.....................Sis. Tammy Smith
Financial Secretary.......Sis. Beverly Andrews

Credit Auxiliary

Deacons and Ministers Wives
Mission Statement: To aid and assist the Pastor, Ministers and Deacons in the operation of the church.  To prepare candidates for baptism, to prayerfully intercede for our brothers and sisters, and to make ready the sanctuary for communion.  To encourage and equip others through the teaching of the Holy Scriptures and life experiences.
President..............................................................Sis. Bertha Houston
1st Vice President...............................................  Sis. Deborah Kennedy
2nd Vice President..............................................  Sis. Jennifer Gibby
Secretary.............................................................  Sis. Geraldine Lee
Asst. Secretary...................................................   Sis. Virginia Irby
Teacher...............................................................  Sis. Diane McMillion
Asst. Teacher.....................................................   Sis. Vernetta Greene
Devotional Leader.............................................    Sis. Elouise Turner
                                                                             Sis. Maxine Bonner
                                                                             Sis. Rosalean Jackson 

 Disaster Relief

Christian drama - Photos | Facebook Drama
Chairperson/Director ..................................................Sis. Tonya Calhoun
Sis. Cherryl Marshall
Sis. Mary Stallworth
Sis. Maxine Bonner
Sis. Phyllis Hickman
Sis. Tammy Smith
Rev. Lawrence Battiste
Dea. Carson Bonner
Sis. Patricia Easley
Sis. Harriett Ely
Sis. Carolyn Turner
Speech Unit
Sis. Kay Watson
Sis. Linda Watson
Sis. Brenda Maye
Sis. Della Greggs


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