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      Baptist Church


   Aid to Inmate Mothers
Mission Statement: We provide services to Alabama’s incarcerated women with emphasis on enhancing personal growth and strengthening the bonds between inmate mothers and their children.
Vision:To create a criminal justice model that demonstrates respect for and understands the rights of the children effected by their mothers’ imprisonment and recognizes and helps to address the many burdens carried by the children and families as a result of incarceration.
History: Aid to Inmate Mothers (AIM) Inc., was founded in 1987 by Church Women United, The Alabama Prison Project, The Alabama Department of Corrections and a group of committed volunteers who discovered that there were many women in prison who never saw their children.
Chairperson: Sis. Brenda Williams
Image of KJV Giant Print Lux-Leather Pattern Dark Brown - Large Print (Leather Bound)Adult Bible Class
Mission Statement: The Adult Bible Class is held each Wednesday and Thursday, beginning at 6:3:0 p.m. and is taught by our own Rev. David Frazier, Sr., Pastor.
Officers:                                                                                       Repast Committee:                                                          Devotion Leaders:
President -   Wednesday Night                                                                                                                                                  Deacon Frederick Brown
President  - Thursday Night                                                                
Vice President - 
Secretary -  
Assistant Secretary -   
 Unread Books at Home Still Spark Literacy Habits - Scientific AmericanBook Ministry
Mission Statement: Our goal as christian ladies is to become ladies of excellence in the name of Jesus, to raise the standard in our life and the people we come in fellowship with.  May this ministry help to fulfill the great commission. 
The ladies book ministry is currently reading the book titled, ________________________________________________________________
How To Budget: Calculate Monthly Income and Expenses Budget Committee 
Mission Statement: The Budget Committee is to consider every aspect of the church activities as we develop a budgeted road map to help us get from where we are to where we are going while being a faithful stewart of the financial resources that God has blessed us with.
Revelation Missionary Baptist Church - Evangelism Around the World! - Taylor  Kinder Care Bus Ministry
Mission Statement:
Mission Statement: To provide in-home and community based care to support caregivers and persons with a chronic illness through shared community volunteer Caring Teams. These teams will offer practical, emotional and spiritual support to help caregivers maintain their family member or friend in his/her own home. The purpose is to raise public awareness of issues surrounding caregiving of persons with chronic illnesses, to implement a volunteer program that will support and assist family caregivers and offer a brief respite for caregivers. We meet the last Monday of each month at 6pm.  The Care Team works out of the office and guidance from our Pastor.

Gloria P. Carter,Pres.
Louise Padgett, Vice-pres,
Dea. Otis Battles, Training Director
Dea. Frederick Brown, Asst. Training Director
Rev. David L. Frazier,Sr ,Pastor
St James Episcopal Church Downingtown Sunday School Christian Education  Children Youth  Church School
Mission statement:
Sis. Donna Henderson, Superintendent  
Dea. Donald Turner, Assistant Superintendent
 Clothes Closet
Mission Statement: