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      Baptist Church


We meet every 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 6:00 p.m.
Brother Charles Giles, Evangelism Coordinator
“Go Into All The World”


Evangelism Explosion's (EE) Purpose Statement
To glorify God by equipping local churches worldwide to multiply through friendship, evangelism, discipleship, and healthy growth!
To Glorify God    This is our chief end in life and ministry.
Equipping            Training pastors and laypeople so that they can train others is        
                            accomplished through:
                            - 6-day Leadership Training Clinics.
                            - 13-week training courses in local churches.
Local Churches    EE is an interdenominational ministry, working primarily in local    
Worldwide            In obedience to the Great Commission Dr. D. James Kennedy
                             founded EE in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in 1960 and the ministry
                             is now in every nation of the world.
Multiply              Active EE churches, trainers of soul winners, soul winners, and    
                            soul won to Christ, will be multiplied.
Friendship            EE equips believers to witness as a way of life to people in
                             their network of relationships
Evangelism          EE's approach is primarily through personal evangelism.
                            - You will learn the content of the Gospel and how to effectively
                            communicate the Gospel.
                            - Too often "friendship evangelism" never gets beyond friendship to
                            proclaiming the Good News of eternal life.
Discipleship        Evangelism must be followed by biblical disciple making. A
                            disciple is a spiritually maturing, responsible, reproducing member
                            of a local church.
Healthy Growth    An "EE Church" will experience three types of growth:
                            - Spiritual: Philemon 6 teaches that Christians who are actively
                            sharing their faith will grow spiritually.
                            - Numerical: As people commit their lives to Christ, the church will
                            increase in numbers
                            - Organizational: EE-trained people will be more effective elders,
                            deacons, Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, etc., and
                            will raise up new leadership also.